Thai Moments

Friday, April 8, 2011

The treatments ...

Only knowing what we'd let ourselves in for by name, we submitted ourselves to varying degrees of discomfort ...

I don't like my tummy being fiddled with and especially not my tummy button ... the first "beneficial" massage involved amongst other things, a fairly intense stomach massage that involved a somewhat sadistic masseuse working her way around our stomachs in a circular motion, starting at the navel and moving out, ending up with a final finger prod in the belly button... say no more!

The muscle and tendon massage - if anyone thinks that our favourite EB's treatments (and note I'm quick to say treatments) are tortuous then these are infinitely more painful, at least EB - whilst inflicting pain - does check to make sure that you're ok. Our nice Thai ladies, with limited English and a definite sadistic inclination, simply said "You feel pain??? Hee, hee, hee" and carried on regardless!

Through the eye of a needle and all that ... if the last few months in Dubai haven't been tough on the liver then I don't know what would be.  Hence one of the reasons for the detox.  After our  pin prick blood test - yes I know you're all thinking "taken in by the quacks" - some interesting results came through and one of them was that we both needed liver and kidney cleanses - I had already booked in for these to be told by that "may be you get diarrhoea, hee, hee, hee!" not going in to too much detail, and despite the fact that we had both tried to will ourselves not to have the expected reaction, it was almost by clockwork and the results would indicate that another session is due in the not too distant future...

About the inmates ... the name "Tao-garden" should have been a bit of a give away but because we were looking for nothing other than treatments it didn't...some of the inmates did though - "lost souls, new age hippies" - call them what you will but it turns out that the establishment was not only a "detox spa" but a major centre for a branch of the Tao belief, kept well on the periphery of that - I'm normally the nosy bint who likes to know who's doing what, where and with whom but I was more than happy to sit in the dining area facing the nice water gardens, head down, involving myself in idle chatter with Mr W...

There was more but, another time!

The Garden View

Garden Frangipani

Pink Banana flower and fruit

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