Thai Moments

Friday, April 8, 2011

24 hours in Vientiane ...

Exciting - a new country, a new experience for both of us - a rare occurrence.  Not so exciting - the cockroach crawling up Mr W's trouser leg on the Air Laos flight and he dared to tell me about it mid-air!

Arriving early evening we'd pre-booked a room in a hotel on the Mekong which had been set up by an Aussie expat from Perth - comfortable and tastefully decorated but I'm sure Mr W had an ulterior motive as the open plan, almost suspended and low bannistered staircase was a mental challenge for me, and I think I'm zip lining through the nature reserve...

The challenging staircase ...

We checked the local markets out and sauntered around the so called antique shops, took photos of the numerous Wats and wandered back to the hotel in typical "Lao PDR" style - "Lao Please Don't Rush"!!

A fully laden Saamlor

The flip-flop shop - or thong shop for you Aussies/Kiwis/SA's!!

Buddha Statues at Wat Siskat Museum - over 1000 on display

The highlight of the day was a very good meal in a restaurant set up by an NGO to train and ultimately rehabilitate Vientiane street kids.  The kitchen and front of house staff are all street kids, running the restaurant under the supervision of trainers - great job!

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